Home of the power rangers

Heheh… imagine your congressman in those colorful tights. And those fancy looking face helmets too. Plus the ‘weapons’ they would be wielding striking a pose whenever they are about to dispense with their power rays votes in congress. They would look like clowns wouldn’t they? We assume you know who the power rangers are…

The seat of power has always attracted the moneyed classes. And it would not be any different here in the district of Columbia. Massive emblems of state power had been raised. No effort lost in building a magnificent capital filled with monuments, free museums and administrative buildings. Running a country is big business you’ll know.

And all of these were built from scratch on a patch of land that was neither a settlement nor a strategically held location. Did you know why this location was chosen to construct the capital of the world’s sole military superpower?

We spent a day rummaging through many of the sights on a rainy day. Tried to touch the moon rock, did not stay long enough for the museum to come ‘alive’. Awed by the statues of heroes long past while munching lunch on the go. However decided not to join the protesters in front of the White house.

Reminisce with us here on our short stay in the capital of power. Where would you spend the most time if you were here?

Author: Mel & Suan

Mel works his day job for a living, but lives for antiquities, history and geography at all other times. He enjoys writing and thought sharing and obviously traveling. Suan is a homey person, who like girlie stuff such as cross stitching etc. Enjoys shopping & modeling for Mel. What a match!

2 thoughts on “Home of the power rangers”

    1. Well we did not get enough time to spend in the museums and that was such a pity. 1-2 days don’t cut it. Must spend more time in DC, especially if one happen to be there during cherry blossom time!


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