Our newsletter – The Long Journey

Since 1995, both Suan and Mel have been traveling together – first as a dating couple and later on as married couple. Having visited various places on all the continents save Antarctica, it was the comment from a friend that inspired us to write and share our travels. That was in 2004.

Ever since that time, Mel has been writing detailed notes of our trips and even “backdated” to include those take prior to 2004. Suan’s “obsession” is to print the photos and paste them into albums, transforming them into works of art with print outs, stickers etc.  For a while it was all kept private, for our own viewing pleasure that equates to some people collecting stamps…

In 2009, we started our amateur newsletter and it has been shared with our friends, former colleagues, classmates etc on a quarterly basis. However, for many years we had continued to keep our writings private even as Tripadvisors and various social media sites of the world see a phenomenal increase in postings.

Its an amateur publication

Published at the end of every March, June, September and December, we have been sharing this since early 2009. Continue to read the past issues here.

Look out for out latest blog posts on the newsletters! At some stage when we get the hang of blog posting, we will post up the past newsletters all the way back to 2009!

Format-wise there are two slightly longer articles, each a longer summary of some of the places we have touched. We say touched, as travels are actually nothing but fleeting experiences of locality. And so the newsletter illustrates the snapshots in time.

We have been seeking contributions from our friends and so far only had two. In a world today where blog posting are done by folks on a near hourly (maybe less!) basis, there are still a lot of us that are reticent to put pen to paper (figuratively), especially sharing it on the web.

Perhaps most are concerned about the handprint (click here for ours) they generate and the loss of privacy.

However, it seems privacy itself is no longer a desired or even preservable status (perhaps commodity). Finally succumbing to the lure of social media, this blog post is also intended to be the depository of the newsletter backdated to the start of 2014. And perhaps someday we will be able to post the travelog stories that date back to travels made since 1995.

We also actively contribute to reviews, perform ratings on hotels, restaurants and attractions. Take a look at Trip Advisor under the name “Melvin M”. Tell us what you like or dislike.

March 2016

8 thoughts on “Our newsletter – The Long Journey”

      1. Thanks you so much! I will browse through it. I have two blogs, my teaching blog, Always Write, and I’m always looking for great people to feature. I look forward to getting better acquainted this new year! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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