Cotswolds is enchanting indeed

The final installment of our blast from the past on the UK, we present to you the story of our little drive into the enchanting district of Cotswolds. Read all about it here. Our little soujorn here was simply a drive through on the way from Liverpool to London. You see, Mel had regular business trips to Southport from Amsterdam, and on one occasion had to return via London for a separate meeting.

Since the two business trips were a week apart, it did not make sense to fly twice. So why not fly into Southport one week, drive down to London for the next?


But what was one to do over the weekend? Hence Suan came along to enjoy the hotel facilities while Mel was in the office. And over the weekend we drove south through this beautiful stretch of England and stayed there for 2 nights. This time though, we did our research and booked a B&B in advance… you might recall our earlier posts here and here.

A pity it was only 2 days that we had. For the Cotwolds deserved much more of our time. But as they say, this is just a starter and you’d be back for the main course. Except we did not till this day… sigh.

Have you been to the Cotswolds? Don’t you just love the feeling of being there?

Author: Mel & Suan

Mel works his day job for a living, but lives for antiquities, history and geography at all other times. He enjoys writing and thought sharing and obviously traveling. Suan is a homey person, who like girlie stuff such as cross stitching etc. Enjoys shopping & modeling for Mel. What a match!

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