The bucket list

DEFINITION: “Log and catalog of all the stuff you want to accomplish before you expire”.

By that yardstick, we have a long list just for traveling. We recall watching the movie years back and being fascinated with what we (Mel and Suan) would want to accomplish before we become food for worms (actually most people cremate these days, so sorry worms, no deal). You might recall the corny one like Mike Myers in “Austin Powers”, where he’d like to have sex with a pair of Japanese twins (Fok Yu and Fok Mi). Sorry for being crude, but we kindof like this funny line.

Having gone on a fair amount of journeys so far, this is a refined and shorter list that it used to be! So this is a “live” travel journey bucket list and may be subject to fancy of change…you know how things evolve.


Updated January 2017

16 thoughts on “The bucket list”

  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Yours is fantastic. I definitely want to see Cuba before it’s swamped and also have a drive through Tuscany. All that wine and cheese!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Jordan is definitely more than Petra as Mount Nebo and Jerash (in the north) are very worth checking out too! Also since getting to this region is quite tough it will be a good idea to combine the trip together with Israel and Egypt. That said, Petra itself truly is quite an awesome sight

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