The Long Journey Q4-17

It would be cliché to say yet again how time flies, but then it really did. Heheh. And now we are into the last months of the year. Oh what a year it had been so far! Having just come back from Hua Hin on our road trip, we have to report that it was a wonderful adventure making that drive. A journalog cometh soon…

And it has been a little more quiet in this last three months. Time to let Bankie recover a little! But that might have to wait. You may recall we’ve been longing to get to Jordan for the longest time right? Well guess what? The group has formed!! Yaaay! It means sometime in the middle of December we shall be waltzing to the airport on the way to another of our bucket list destinations. Woohoo!

But of course that would still be some months away.

We hope you too had a fun filled three months. Even if not traveling a lot, there can still be fun in our own backyard too! Sometime towards the end of the year, we shall make an announcement. It has a lot to do with having fun in your own neighbourhood(s). Look out for it!

Here’s our latest newsletter: The Long Journey Q4-2017. Enjoy!



Author: Mel & Suan

Mel works his day job for a living, but lives for antiquities, history and geography at all other times. He enjoys writing and thought sharing and obviously traveling. Suan is a homey person, who like girlie stuff such as cross stitching etc. Enjoys shopping & modeling for Mel. What a match!

22 thoughts on “The Long Journey Q4-17”

  1. Ooooh–Machu Pichu and Italy. I don’t think I could do the Peruvian hike these days, but I spent a delightful month in Italy ten years ago. I loved the walled hilltop towns. In fact, I think that they came in second to Venice as my all-time favorite places there. But there are so many awesome, in the original sense of the word, places to see in Italy… 🙂

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    1. Well we’ve been issuing this newsletter for almost 10 years. So we’ve built up quite a bit of experience on the topics and sharing. This started more as a way to keep contact with friends and ex-colleagues!

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